Small group to large audience workshops

Because communication covers such a wide field, and is a central concern of all organisations, most of our courses are tailor-made to suit you. That is why we like to first work with you on a needs analysis.
On the way to communicating…
- Learn to write simply and meaningfully using a method that has proven its worth over generations. Brainstorm, mind-map, freewrite, rewrite and critique.
- Escape the ordinary by drawing on the creative powers of the group. Look for the new and turn it into exciting messages that get people’s attention.
- Use digital tools to craft, check, play out and edit your messages, saving yourself time and improving the output. But don’t rely on digital – check all.
- Run the work past advisors. Trust your own instincts but listen to what outsiders have to say. They are not fools. They are friends.
Format of workshops
We try to maintain a relaxed atmosphere in workshops so that real communication can take place between participants, the facilitators, and each other. Relationships are informal and on first-name terms.
In workshops we provide short instructional talks, set tasks and review them with model answers, play communication games, discuss scenarios, and review each session for its lessons. These training methods keep up the pace, provide skills practice, and involve participants in lively debates.
All workshop materials are put online for the later use of participants.
Digital tools & skills
We are firm believers in using digital methods to do the work of communications. Apps and writing robots don’t replace human intelligence but the sure help to get things done – faster and more efficiently. We show you what’s out there and how to access free services. Importantly, learn how to check content and avoid plagiarsm.
Communicators and communicationS
A communicator is a thinking, feeling, listening, responding, sympathetic person. CommunicationS are channels, computers, interactive robots, generally the messaging tools that we use to connect with the world.
People have been communicating since before language was developed: through body language and facial expressions. Communication tools were invented in the stone age as we scratched symbols on rocks or hurled spears at each other.

How we get the message across
Games are a great way to establish if communication is happening, so we play games. Maybe no shooting a ball for goal, but bouncing ideas around and hearing what people understand. Broken telephone is a good game that shows what happens when a message is passed along from person to person – the line breaks!
Secondly, we set writing and speaking tasks. In the relaxed atmosphere of a workshop where no-one is judging anyone else but everyone is having fun with words and ideas, nothing is too silly, nothing is too far-fetched. Do you know that the famous Sasol slogan, Glug-Glug, came from joking around in an advertising workshop – after everyone was tired of trying to think of a good slogan?
On the third level we get serious and start analysing, planning, writing and presenting messages for an audience. This can take the form of a news release announcing something important, or a presentation by your team explaining a new project to get buy-in from the Board. Let’s hope they are not the bored!
Finally and fourthly, there is the professional job of designing, pitching, and researching the success of your communication strategy. Strategy is what your organisation needs to co-ordinate all its communications. It’s something the entire staff needs to be attuned to so that all work together to achieve definite goals.
The four levels of communication above involve a lot of detail and shared experiences. Communication is teamwork. We show how to develop a groundplan to make things workl. This is It is about linking with others for common action and desired outcomes.
Participants always receive a Letter of Attendance. If they wish to obtain a Certificate, there are tests. The full National Qualifications Framework (NQF) certificates for certain Unit Standards in media and communication can be arranged if candidates sign up for the coursework and assessments.